Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Swear jar again

eating is SHIT
exercise is non-existant - which is SHIT
feeling like SHIT

life is SHIT

and yes Michelle i'm putting money in the swear jar.

I wonder if my employer can just direct deposit my whole pay into the swear jar.


Anonymous said...

Lucky SHIT decomposes! Is that the right word?? You'll be back on top in no time {{{HUGS}}}.

Kathryn said...

Take a day off and buy yourself something pretty :)

Suzy said...

Sounds like you feel like I did last week. Hope things improve SOON!!!! Love your glittery things.

Kenz said...

Awwww babe!! *hugs* I was all mopey this morning, then I went for my lunch break and I was sitting on the jetty in front of work (we have awesome land on the swan river...) and a little bird came and sat next to me and chattered away for half an hour. I couldnt hate the world anymore after that. I hope my little bird visits you... and if he does, please don't murder him :)

Kellee said...

Swear jars are shit. I say you go and blow the whole lot on Robbie tickets.

Hope your week picks up.

sandii said...

hope you're smiling again soon Bri!

sassy said...

At least you're not dropping the c-bomb!!

This reminds me of a joke:
Man 1: "You're looking great!"
Man 2: "You know, I don't swear, I don't smoke and I don't drink"
Man 1: "Really?"
Man 2: "Yep ... ah, shit, I've left my smokes at the pub"

Mel. said...

Sending you lots of (((hugs))) and hope things get better and easier.

michelle said...

BIG hugs for you. Just think how much fun we will be having in 2 weeks and 1 day!!!!!!!!!!!