Here are a couple of photos of our tree. When I got the decorations out I found that I only have purple, silver and gold. Not sure what happened there but DH says I was trying to create a "David Jones" look last year to impress my mother!?!?!??!?! I must have thrown the rest out.
DS helped with putting on the decorations and tinsel so it's not as 'balanced' as the libran in me would like. LMAO!!!!
DS helped with putting on the decorations and tinsel so it's not as 'balanced' as the libran in me would like. LMAO!!!!
Only three weeks til the fat man comes!!!!!!
I can't see them on flickr :(
I like a colour theme to trees - it looks classy.
Bri, try pressing and holding down Control and then press F5. This clears the cache. I had the same problem, went ot the help forum and saw heaps of people having the same problem. some said this worked so I tried it and it did. I did have to do it twice. Well done on getting the tree up - I haven't even worked out where mine will go!
Oh sorry, I forgot to say that you do this thing while in the edit mode (that's what I did anyway) the libran/balance thing - I am exactly the same!!
Tree looks great DS looks so excited!!
The tree and DS look gorgeous Bri.
Lookin' Good! Ihadn't seen DS before - Gorgeous and v smoochable!
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