Monday, November 06, 2006

Wake up!!!!!

Procrastination is the deferment or avoidance of an
action or task and is often linked to
perfectionism. For the
person procrastinating this may result in stress, a sense of guilt, the loss of
productivity, the creation of crisis, and the chagrin of others for not
fulfilling one's responsibilities or commitments.
The word itself comes from the
Latin word procrastinatus:
pro- (forward) and crastinus (of tomorrow). The term's first known
appearance was in the
17th century, during a sermon by a Reverend
Anthoney Walker on procrastination. The sermon reflected procrastination's
connection at the time to task avoidance or delay, volition or will, and sin.

I've been procrastinating about a lot of stuff for a long time. The day is nearing when I have to quit the procrastination and "stop dicking around" (to quote Kathryn). I need to wake up and smell the coffee. I've said this a hundred times before and yet, I keep putting it off. I'm sure you're all sick of hearing it.

I need to make a plan and stop giving myself the right to make up pissweak excuses. No-one else believes them, why do I ?????


Kathryn said...

I used to always tell Andrew that procrastination is the thief of time.

Of course he'd mostly chuck things at my head when I'd say that... lol.

Chris H said...

Obviously you are not yet ready to get on with what you "know" YOU should be doing? Only you can do it, nothing anyone else says will make you do it... you have to WANT TO... so think about this.... DO YOU WANT TO STOP DICKING AROUND AND SMELL THE COFFEE OR NOT? If you really want to you will.

Jadey said...

Its easy to make yourself believe in any excuse you wish to come up with.

But excuses do not lead to accomplishments. Which do you want?

I know which I want so maybe I should take my own medicine :P

Suzy said...

Go for it!

yublocka said...

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog Briony!

Man I have to say I suffer with procrastination too. I find that making lists helps - until that becomes a form of procrastination in itself!!

One quote I've had on my desktop lately in an attempt to keep me on track: “You will never find time for anything. You must make it.”

Leighanne said...

I have been feeling like that lately too!!!

sandii said...

you have achieved a great deal already, it is quite ok to take the foot off the gas for a while and cruise, life is too short to beat yourself up over this Bri, you look fabulous, you're healthy, you're happy you have a beautiful bub who loves you and you have made life changes! remember what you HAVE achieved!!!

Wanna_B_slimmer said...

I agree with Sandii... You have come a long way... and you have your health and your family...
Just take it one day at a time..
If you are anything like me you cant even pop one thing in your mouth without wondering wht damage that is going to do to your hips... I hate that guilty feeling...
But it has been keeping me on the straight an narrow...
I am having steady losses because i had gotten to the stage where i just hate how I feel and i have had enough... But I have got a heel of a long way to go til I get in a comfort zone with my weight..
and that maybe is where you are at for now...
just be happy... life is too short to worry too much about a few kilos..

abc said...

Hugs and kisses. Thinking of you xx Rainbow


Hi Bri :)

Sorry to hear that you were so sick my sweet friend. Hope you're feeling better today HUG for you from me.

I hear you about procrastination my dear. Fat Bastard and I are King and Queen of this trait. Let's all work on changing this together, shall we? Just add it on to the rest of our little personality faults! :)

Take care and feel better.

Chunky said...

I'm with Sandii and Slim, don't beat yrself up over it. Just give yrself a little break for a while and then you won't be putting that added pressure of failure onto yrself - we all know how damaging that can be.

Maybe this is your body/mind's way of telling you that there is something you need to work thru before you continue the weight loss journey?...but then, what do I know?

Chin up, hugs, and don't be so hard on yrself.