Monday, October 09, 2006

Day one

I have written two long posts today and lost both of them, not sure what is going on with Blogger.
Fingers crossed this one will work.

Soup diet - day one

The soup diet is going okay, but it's only day one. The soup is actually quite tasty and i'm enjoying it. I've had soup for breakfast and lunch and i've eaten a few pieces of fruit. I also had a coffee with Equal in it, just not thinking, does anyone know whether you can have Equal while you're doing the soup diet? I guess I shouldn't so i'll try and stick to tea from now on. I really missed my Coke Zero at lunch today. I'm not a fan of fruit juice so i'm just drinking heaps of water. I'm looking forward to vegetable day tomorrow as I prefer vegies to fruit anyday. Plus I can have a potato for dinner with butter on it, but i'm not a fan of butter so i'll have a smidge of WW sour cream instead.

I had a huge headache this morning, probably left over from my huge night on Saturday plus nicotine withdrawals (maybe sugar and fat withdrawals too!!). It's better now. Not smoking is going great but it's only been 26 hours. I can't believe i'm doing the soup diet AND giving up smoking at the same time!


Mary said...

Oh god, soup diet AND nicotine withdrawal...I'm glad I don't live with you LOL :-P All the best babe!

Mel. said...

All the best Bri. I also can't believe your doing the soup diet, what happened to weight watchers????????
Congratulations on making it so far without a smoke. That's great. Hope you have a good week.

Cinders said...

lol @ Mary. I gave up the ciggies and coffe on the same day and decided it was the dumbest thing I had ever done. I was only having 1 cuppa a day so I figured my habit wasn't that bad. You're doing great and look forward to your daily updates.

Suzy said...

Sounds like you are going well. SO great that you aren't smoking.