Monday, October 02, 2006

I have an anti-tidy child.

Yesterday I tidied up the whole house, cleaned out cupboards, swept, mopped, dusted - I even cleaned out DS's toy boxes and sorted the toys into separate boxes.

So today DS decided, in his wisdom, that he didn't like what I'd done and he wanted to sort out the toys himself (ie tipping the whole lot out onto the floor). Sometimes I wonder why I bother.


Anonymous said...

I had the exact same thing on Friday!

I cried.

Leighanne said...

Can totally
I only have that trouble with Luke - Jason is a clean his dad!

Anonymous said...

LOL and talk about trial by fire...Dan and I went to a 1 yeat old's birthday picnic yesterday. Several hours later, we were majorly burnt and so tired. They are so much work! We were happy to give them back at the end of the day :-)

michelle said...

And he will still be doing it to you when he is 20!!

Jadey said...

Aww poor love - now you play the cleaning up game :s Hell I dunno I am just as messy as he is.

Kenz said...

I think I must have been the child from hell to my mother, I could never understand why mess was stressful to some people. Only very recently have I become completely anal with my clean-freakness! I still leave my cereal bowl in mums sink though! I hope everything is OK with you at the moment, if you want to chat drop me a line

Sue said...

I have this rule for Jake's bedroom (okay he's a bit older).
It's his personal space and I don't go in there without permission. He can live in whatever mess he likes, so long as he washes his clothes and changes and washes his bed linen once a week. And so long as it doesn't smell and his footy clothes don't evolve into an intelligent life form.
PS - he's done all his own laundry since he was nine! Train them young.

LBTEPA said...

I ALWAYS wonder why I bother...and I have an anti-tidy DH as well (huge sigh...)

sandii said...

ahhhh toddlers, they are divine aren't they!

you had some fantastic weather on the weekend. the sun was strong!

the Brewery was packed, everyone had the same idea i think