I can't do the soup diet anymore, i'm over it. It will be too soon if I never see soup again. I did have it for breakfast this morning, but enough is enough I tells ya!!! I've frozen the left overs into single serves to more than likely throw into the wizbin the next time I clean out the freezer!!
Weigh in went okay. I registered a loss of 100 grams, which isn't good on it's own but if I now confess that last Saturday I was 3 kilos heavier (and hence there was no weigh in) then you'll see that it's a bloody great result. Thank you soup diet, but i'm over you!!
Now i'm going to track points, maximum 18 a day until next Saturday where hopefully i'll be able to register another loss. I'm sure the week after won't be as good with a weekend plus of birthday celebrations, a $165 cake to consume (yes, I know - but you only turn 40 once!!) and loads of booze.
I have bought some poster cardboard and other assorted goodies to stick photos onto for my party. I know that usually it's not the birthday person that makes their own posters but if I don't do it, nothing will get done - so - I don't mind anyway. I love doing crafty things and don't usually get the time, but i'm making an effort on this one.
DH has ordered 150 balloons (he knows how much I love them) for the party and i'm going to make little gold cardboard star cutouts to hang on the ends. I did this once before, but in silver, for a work function we had years ago and they looked great. It's a lot of work, but i'm worth it. Also there's not much else to do in this stinking hot weather so it's best to stay inside out of the heat (directly under the air conditioner!! LOL).
My DH is busting to tell me what he's got me for my birthday. I told him to keep it a secret. He told my best friend and she can't believe it. She says i'll be more than impressed and she can't believe how well he has done with it. She keeps asking "who is he and what has he done with my husband". He has a bad reputation with gifts from one time when he bought me a cut crystal flower vase (come on - I was only 32 - and even nanna's wouldn't have liked this one) and we've never let him live it down, so obviously he's making up for it this year.
So that's my weekend - lot's of cutting, glueing and sticking but no more damn soup!
Edit: I'm still not smoking - i'm doing really well and haven't actually thought about it much at all, but that's the patches. Although normally when I drink alcohol I crave them and I had a couple of champagnes last night and was okay. I'm going to stick with the patches for at least a month, even though they give me horrific vivid dreams and i'm staying awake til all hours at night and then really tired in the morning. The party next week will be the test, but it will be two weeks since i've smoked so i'm hoping i'll go okay.
well done on your soup diet and the not smoking :)
Can wait to hear what you got for your bday!
Wow!!!! How exiting!
Well done with the soup diet. I hope you have an absolutely fantastic time - please post lots of pics!!!
errrr sorry that was meant to be exciting!!!!!!
well done on the not smoking and the soup diet worked wonders!
your weekend sounds fun, i love arty crafty things... i have done photo albums for both boys although they desperately need updating... who has the tme?
i might try and do some tmw and Monday night. i know once Christian gets back i won't want to do anything but harass him!
can't wait to hear what you get for your b'day... very intriguing!
I'm so impressed babe - have done the soup diet and it sucks! SO I understand and soon smoking will be in your past and you'll wonder why it ever appealed at all
Huge hugs!
Hey Bri,
Just wanted to check that you know about the patches that you only wear during the day, not 24 hrs?
After all you didn't smoke whilst you were asleep, so why wear a patch then. My man found them really helpful...
Wow Bri! You have done a FANTASTIC job, both with the diet and your non-smoking.
Your Birthday sounds like it will be very exciting. Can't wait to hear the news. xx
oooh Exciting!! I wonder what he's got you??!?!?!?!?
I am SO proud of you for not smoking. I used to smoke a pack a day and giving up was one of the hardest things I ever did. That's when I put on my weight (well, mot of it) so I'm impressed that you're doing this at the same time that you're losing weight. Go you! The party will be a big test, but make sure you let everyone know (before you get too drunk!) that they are not to give you any under any circumstances. And organise a big treat for yourself if you get through the night without one.
Sorry I haven't been around - I've been lurking but it's been a bit busy here. I have still been checking up on you though. The patio looks rad. Hope you go well with the tracking too.
Will check in on you again soon - hope you're well.
I am impressed with anyone who can do the soup diet. I SO couldn't do it. I have to have variety. So way to go on that and the smoking!
7 days to go!!!!!
Can't wait to hear what Hubby got you - must be good if your friend is impressed!!!
WOW Bri, I am so impressed and inspired by your soup diet efforts and for not smoking!! Well done on the loss.
I want to know what your man got you too now :-)
Hey, with the stars, you can buy them pre-cut in any colour you want so you don't have to do all the hard work. Just an idea....
Congratulations on sticking to the soup diet as long as you did.
Hope you have a fantastic week and your party next week goes off too. Can't wait to hear about what hubby got you and how great everything went. Don't worry about your weight, you only turn 40 once.
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